Category:STEM Student Success Advising Tool Dashboard

From SDSU Data Glossary
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The STEM Student Success Advising Tool Dashboard (login required) provides advisors of STEM majors with targeted communication about their students' graduation likelihood with respect to their performance on a particular set of major milestones. In conjunction with other advising tools, the dashboard information can provide evidence to support students' persistence in STEM or their need to explore alternative disciplines. The main goal of this tool is to trigger early intervention and ultimately reduce the average time-to-degree for all STEM majors.

  • Definition pages for data elements used on the STEM Student Success Advising Tool Dashboard are listed below.

The SDSU Data Glossary is not an exhaustive resource of all data terminology used at SDSU. See the Other Data Definition Resources page for other resources you may use to find definitions for terminology not found in the SDSU Data Glossary.