Math Proficiency Status

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Math Proficiency Status indicates a first-time freshman's placement in Math courses during their first year. Beginning in Fall 2018, with the implementation of Executive Order 1110[1], Math placement criteria were changed to remove the use of remedial coursework and place students in first-year Math courses using the Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning Placement Status Categories.

Examples[edit | edit source]

Example Math Proficiency Status values include:

  • Needs Math Support
  • No Math Support Needed

Where Data Element Appears[edit | edit source]

ASIR Public Student Data Dashboards & Reports:

See Also[edit | edit source]

Definition Source[edit | edit source]

"A code that initially indicates an undergraduate’s status regarding preparedness for college level mathematics and the method by which preparedness was evidenced by the close of the ERSS processing period for the first term in which the student was enrolled. Entry Level Mathematics Proficiency Status does not apply to transitory students (Enrollment Status equals 6).

Data regarding changes in the proficiency of students after census date of their first term of enrollment will be collected separately, beginning with the fall 2000 cohort of regularly-admitted first-time freshmen, to permit more detailed reporting about changes in the proficiency of students, including information about those who leave the university and when changes in proficiency have taken place. The CSU Chancellor’s Office, Division of Analytic Studies, will provide each campus with a cohort data file to which campuses will be expected to append data."[2]

"Freshman skills assessment and recommended placement for general education written communication and mathematics/quantitative reasoning courses shall be based on multiple measures of academic proficiency. Such measures may include high school English and mathematics/quantitative reasoning course grades, high school grade point averages, grades in collegiate courses, ACT scores, SAT scores, Advanced Placement scores, International Baccalaureate scores, SAT subject tests or Smarter Balanced Assessment/Early Assessment Program scores.

  • The CSU shall establish systemwide placement standards.
  • The CSU Admissions Advisory Council (AAC) comprised of CSU faculty, students and administrators shall be responsible for the review and recommendation of revisions to systemwide policies regarding:
  • Assessment of college readiness for successful completion of general education written communication and mathematics/quantitative reasoning courses;
  • Preparatory requirements for general education written communication and mathematics/quantitative reasoning course placement; and
  • The Early Start Program
  • Each campus shall establish a student course-placement appeals process.
  • Effective with this executive order, the English Placement Test (EPT) and the Entry- Level Mathematics (ELM) Test shall not be offered, and the EPT and ELM committees are discontinued."[3]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. eo1110-faq-april-4.pdf (
  2. CSU Enrollment Reporting System Data Dictionary. Retrieved from:
  3. CSU Office of the Chancellor. Executive Order 1110. Retrieved from: calstate.policystat