
From SDSU Data Glossary
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A Cohort is a group of students sharing common characteristics over a specified period.

Examples[edit | edit source]

  • 20184 (Fall 2018 Cohort)
  • Entry Cohort (A group of students established for retention and graduation tracking purposes where all members of the group began studies at SDSU in the same matriculation term)
  • Fall 2017 Cohort (Incoming first-time freshmen entering during fall 2017 would be referred to as the fall 2017 entering cohort of first-time freshmen and only the students in this grouping would be considered when discussing retention rates, graduation rates, etc.)
  • Full Time FTF Cohort

Where Data Element Appears[edit | edit source]

ASIR Tableau Server Dashboards:

ASIR Public Student Data Dashboards & Reports:

See Also[edit | edit source]

Definition Source[edit | edit source]

"The group of students sharing common characteristics over a specified period. Example first-time full-time freshmen cohort entering in fall term for tracking purpose"[1]

Reference[edit | edit source]

  1. CSU Glossary. Retrieved from: