Assigned Time (AT)

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Assigned Time (AT) refers to activities for which a faculty member receives workload credit. An individual faculty workload assignment is typically 12 units (tenure-track) or 15 units (lecturer). Any workload that is not direct instruction must be accounted for by assigned time. For a breakdown of Assigned Time Code Definitions & Common Practices, click here.[1]

Examples[edit | edit source]

Assigned Time Definition
Assigned Time Total The proportion of overall faculty Total Workload FTE for a particular term or academic year that is spent on assigned time tasks outside of instructional administrative, instructional faculty, or other support duties.
Assigned Time WTU The number of Weighted Teaching Units (WTU) assigned to the faculty member in conjunction with the associated 'Assigned Time Code'.
Assigned Time Code Numeric code used to indicate up to three different types of activities per faculty assignment for which a faculty member can receive workload credit.
Faculty Assigned Time Identifies up to three different types of activities per faculty assignment for which a faculty member can receive workload credit.


Where Data Element Appears[edit | edit source]

ASIR Public Faculty Data Dashboards and Reports:

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Instructional Related Assigned Time Codes ( Retrieved from
  2. CSU Academic Planning Database. Data Element Dictionary. Retrieved from: (Requires login)