Course Type

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Course Type refers to the type of course offered.

Examples[edit | edit source]

Course Type Definition
Lab/Activity A course in which material is presented in small-group situations such as experiments, assignments, and projects. Labs usually meet for two to three hours per week.
Lecture A course in which an instructor presents the main body of course material.
Non Traditional Instruction Activities involving instruction and evaluation, which include such activities as modularized instruction, self-paced instruction, team teaching/cluster courses, thematic projects, open laboratory, sponsored experimental learning or other community activities, writing adjunct, mediated instruction (involving computers, television, and/or other media devices), and peer instruction. These activities typically do not involve a single instructor regularly meeting a group of students in an assigned classroom or laboratory setting.
Supervision Credit received for academic work completed in consultation with an instructor outside of the regular course offerings. Students must meet with an instructor for approval and course requirements.

Where Data Element Appears[edit | edit source]

ASIR Tableau Server Dashboards:

ASIR Public Student Data Dashboards & Reports:

See Also[edit | edit source]